Bachelor's degree Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Bachelor’s thesis

Normativa Premi Impuls


Offers for Final Degree Project 

   - Offers of Final Degree Project

   - Offers of Final Degree Project associated to Master's degree in Biomedical Research


Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the current university degree structure, states that all official undergraduate degrees will require the preparation and defence of a final project, which must form part of all official curricula. The project is awarded 6 ECTS credits on the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. It should be completed in the final year of the programme and is an independent, individual project that each student will complete under the guidance of a tutor, who will act as a catalyst and facilitator in the learning process.

This project enables students to demonstrate that they have both learnt the course material and acquired the skills taught on the undergraduate programme.


In keeping with the competences students are expected to acquire, the presentation and defence of their final project before a board of examiners must demonstrate that they have a command of the skills and coursework taught to them. Thus, it is intended that students develop interdisciplinary competences, such as:

  • Knowing how to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to resolve nutritional- and diet-related human pathologies.
  • Interpreting scientific and technical information critically in order to give presentations based on this information and develops working hypotheses.
  • Using information and communication tools and techniques to analyse data, prepare oral and written reports, and undertake other professional and/or training activities.
  • Understanding and using scientific, technical and clinical language specific to nutrition and dietetics.
  • Being able to draft clearly written reports of work undertaken, based on the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired on the programme.
  • Using scientific methods to analyse data and design research strategies, both in the experimental and clinical (survey) fields of nutrition and dietetics.
  • Present an original scientific work.

Assessment of the final project

Students must defend their final project in public before a board of examiners expressly appointed for this purpose. The examiners will base their assessment on a wide range of factors over and above the course contents. The examiners award a grade to the project once it has been defended.